Posts by Simon Coles
Credentials/Badges are here!
- 07 October 2024
We are now ready to issue credentials/badges which you can use on LinkedIn etc.

Simon on the Curiosulus Chronicles Podcast
- 05 October 2024
I was recently interviewed by Rohit Gautam for the Curiosulus Chronicles Podcast about leadership, culture and the Better Conversations course.
Promotional video for our BCF talk at the OU
- 20 September 2024
As part of the promotion for the event at the Open University next week @russ_lewis and @lizmoody kindly arranged for us to have a view recorded by the OU’s media team. And oh my, what a difference an experienced producer makes! We spoke for ~20 minutes which they then edited down to this 3 minute video.
Chandima on the “Clean at Work” Podcast
- 20 September 2024
The latest “Clean at Work” podcast was an in-depth interview with @chandimad about the course, the Foundation, and what we’re trying to do. It is a really good summary of where we currently are.
How many ways are there to deliver a course like Better Conversations? (Part 2)
- 03 May 2023
Broadly, the experiment worked out; we delivered a quality experience with a diverse group of facilitators. We did however learn stuff we weren’t expecting to learn…
Clean in Sales
- 02 May 2023
In this video, James Lawley interviews/models Simon about what he does in a first Sales call, developing a metaphor to help draw out more detail.
How many ways are there to deliver a course like Better Conversations? (Part 1)
- 22 March 2023
We’d like to find out, so we are running a Better Conversations course in April, with a number of twists which I thought people might be interested in.