2. The Course#

Better Conversations is at its heart, a course to teach people to have better conversations in everyday contexts using Clean Language.

The course was initially developed through 15 pilots over 3 years, and through training contracts with organisations such as government agencies, including our sister software company, Amphora Research Systems and evolved it so that any trainer can deliver it effectively straight off the bat.

We now have a network of trainers across the world who have delivered the course to hundreds of people. We continue to observe and learn from their experiences and feedback. We have also developed resources to support the course, including a handbook, a set of emails to send to attendees before and after the course, module plans and facilitator guides.

The Foundation provides support to trainers and facilitators to help them deliver the course. This includes a community of practice, tailored support with marketing materials and advice on how to deliver the course effectively. We run our own ‘Experience Courses’ and peer support sessions to help trainers develop their skills and confidence. These Experience Courses are designed to help trainers understand the course from the perspective of an attendee, and to help them develop their own style of delivery. These are run by experienced trainers and are a great way to learn from others. We do this to provide a hgih quality experience for those learning to deliver the course. Our courses are invite-only as we want to ensure our Partners are able to offer their own public and bespoke courses on a commercial basis.

The course uses Clean Language principles and practical applications to prime attendees to achieve better conversations, with peers, family and friends. It’s been designed for online delivery but works well in person too.

It’s a project that has evolved through collaboration, continual innovation and applied playfulness. Our friends and fellow travellers on this journey are the main reason we have got this far. And we hope, as you are reading this, you might decide to join us.

The Better Conversations Foundation owns the Copyright to this material and is making it available under a Creative Commons license (Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International) which means other people can make use of this material and build their own work on top of it.

The Foundation undertakes a number of activities to support people in delivering the course that are outlined in the Work with Us section.

Note that accessing the course content requires you to log in with your email address.