Delivery Team Pre-Flight Checklist#

This is what we expect the delivery team to do once they are all together in the session. You should aim to do this as soon as possible after you’ve all assembled and ideally have completedl it with 15 minutes to spare before the Participants arrive.






Welcome Facilitators, Producers and Observers and facilitate short intros if needed.



Clarify nature of session (e.g. Experience course, public course, private course), attendees, and any guidance around these areas



Clarify roles:

  • Facilitator 1 (Fx1), Facilitator 2 (Fx2) – lead the content and participant discussion for the training part of the session

  • Producer – leads on technical matters, breakout room management including adjusting timings, meeting chat messages

  • Observers – prior course attendees who are learning to deliver or promote the course

  • Sponsor - sponsors the session and leads the Afterparty discussions at the end of the session



Confirm any known internet connection issues and agree mitigations. This may require reallocating roles including running with a single facilitator.




  • Own audio/video is working as expected and everyone can see and hear producer

  • Facilitators’ microphone input is audible and clear

  • Each Facilitator has separate headphones and can hear everyone else

  • Facilitators’ video is clear

  • Facilitator flipcharts are in frame and can be read

  • Other people’s flipcharts are not in frame

Mitigations may require reallocating roles, including running with a single facilitator.

Team chat channel


Confirm delivery team can access the delivery team chat for the session

Flight plans


Confirm everyone is working from the same live flight plan on the shared collaboration space including trainees.



Ask for host role if not already host

  • Make Facilitators co-hosts

  • Make Observers co-hosts if staying in the main room during breakouts



Rename self on Zoom as Name: Producer; ask others including Observers to rename themselves as Name: Role

Role = Co-Facilitator, Observer, Sponsor, Co-producer




  • How Fx1 will introduce the delivery team and Observers to the attendees

  • Handover points between Facilitators, Producer and Sponsor

  • That the Facilitator who is writing on the flipchart needs the other person to watch the chat

  • When the Facilitators want the Producers to paste into the chat (e.g. Immediately the section starts? As the Facilitator says the words? One question at a time or all together?)

  • Who is leading the demonstration exercises and who is participating in them

  • Whether Observers are staying in the main room or participating in breakouts

  • Whether Observers will join in the discussion (if they want to)

  • Who is undertaking training, and who is leading on the support to the trainee

  • How the Facilitators and Producer would like to alert each other if there is a deviation from the plan e.g. Breakout room timings are changed, a Facilitator loses their place, or an attendee is waiting to be asked to speak.


Producer to mark attendance manually as people come in

Variations to the flight plan


  • Confirm the experience courses run to the standard flight plans.

  • Note any pre-agreed variations to the standard flight plan, including new flight plan releases

  • Ask delivery team about any small-scale experiments or deviations from the standard flight plans

  • Ensure all delivery team members are agreed on these and it is noted in the observations log

  • Confirm that finishing ahead of time is OK. Note that filling in time with untested material can cause problems.

  • Confirm that discussions about the content and support to people wanting to deliver the course can be left to the afterparty.



  • The Afterparty is about BCF aims and helping people understand how they might be supported in taking things forward.

  • Please use the delivery team chat if there’s something you’d like to contribute to the discussion, so that the Sponsor can bring you in if appropriate.