1.7.3. Members#

A company limited by guarantee has “members”, who are the equivalent of shareholders in a company limited by shares.

You’ll notice in the Companies House requirements we have to address this “It should have a pool of money, or a regular source of income to promote its objects”.

Whilst we hope in time to be able to generate some income to support our work, at the moment we’re reliant on the support of Amphora Research Systems Ltd, who have provided the initial funding to get us started. They are also providing the infrastructure and support for the Foundation to operate.

So the “Member” of the Foundation is Pithos Ltd, which is the holding company that owns Amphora Research Systems Ltd. The Foundation can’t pay dividends, so any profits it makes will be used to further its objectives.

Note that generally when we talk about “members” we are referring to the members of the Better Conversations community. It is only in the legal articles that the word “member” is used where you might normally expect “shareholder” in a for-profit company.