1.8.1. Structure#
The Better Conversations Foundation Ltd is a company registered with Companies House in the UK (company number 15602408). You can see the registration details here.
As a “Foundation” it is a company limited by guarantee, which means that it has no shareholders and cannot pay dividends - it is a non profit. The relevant details from companies house are here.
To use this word in your proposed name, the company should normally be limited by guarantee. It should have a pool of money, or a regular source of income to promote its objects. You will need to confirm this when you submit your application.
A non-profit distribution clause should be included in the articles of association. The non-profit clause provides that any profits are used to further the objects of the company and not paid to the members as dividends.
In the case of a business name, the articles or relevant governance document should include similar clauses and you should provide a copy when you submit your application.