1.7.1. Technical Stack#
If you’re interested in the technical details of how this website and the Foundation’s content is run…
The website is built using Sphinx, GitHub repository here Better-Conversations/betterconversations.foundation, served by Caddy on one of our servers.
The course Flight Plans are here Better-Conversations/flightplan-sources
The flight plans use a custom DSL which is here Better-Conversations/ruby-flightplans
The web site bettercourses.org makes everything work. It does all the scheduling, enrolment, delivery console, certificates, etc. This was build in-house by the Better Conversations Foundation in Ruby on Rails.
Our community is run on Discourse, https://community.betterconversations.foundation with authentication via bettercourses.org
Our support is run on Zammad, https://support.betterconversations.foundation with authentication via bettercourses.org