4.1. What will BCF provide?#

  • Free course content including participant materials and session plans. No royalty payment is required for any of this.

  • Freedom to adapt the course for your own client work, no questions asked.

  • Free community support.

4.1.1. Getting started#

  • Anyone is welcome to use the materials and plans regardless of your training experience.

  • You must have signed up for the course to access the community support, through an invite from us or through one of our Partners.

  • You must credit the Foundation and honour the Creative Commons license conditions.

4.1.2. Using this material yourself#

If you want to learn how to deliver the course, please get in touch. There’s some information that might be helpful to read through first in the sections below.

The Better Conversations Foundation supports the needs of the trainers delivering the Better Conversations course. Specifically, the Foundation does two things:

  1. It enables trainers to deliver the Better Conversations course through course development and training support.

  2. It provides sales and marketing support to fill the courses that trainers will deliver.

4.1.3. How do we enable trainers?#

We have designed the Better Conversations course to enable people with prior training or facilitator experience to deliver it. Our aim is to make this course straightforward to deliver and build on to create something authentic to you, if you’d like to do that. We’re also very clear that this means making it possible for you to generate income through delivering the course.

4.1.4. Some of the ways we help you:#

  • The Foundation provides “flight plans” for each module. A flight plan is a design-and-delivery document which contains everything that a trainer and technical producer will need for a tightly planned hour.

  • We provide professionally-produced participant materials so a trainer won’t need to do that work. Trainers are welcome to use these materials as a source for their own training handouts.

  • We can support you to produce and/or co-deliver your first courses

  • Our app makes it easy to collect participant feedback

  • Our app also generates a certificate of participation so that’s one less thing for a trainer to do

Trainers are welcome to adapt these flight plans for their own use. We’d be delighted if you shared your adaptations and improvements in our community of practitioners so we can learn from each other.

If you don’t have any prior experience as a trainer or facilitator and would still like to deliver this course, you would need to co-deliver a minimum of three Better Conversations courses with one of our Partners so you have the training you need to deliver the course well.

4.1.5. What kind of marketing and sales support do we offer?#

When we ask people who might deliver the course for us what support and resources they need to do that, we often hear that sales and marketing are the most difficult aspects for people. We are currently evolving the way we deliver marketing and sales support to trainers. Our current thinking is along the lines of providing:

Course listings If you are delivering public courses, we can list them on our websites - for example this one, that describes the course: https://marketing.betterconversations.foundation

Marketing engine We can raise the profile of the course through working with our Marketing partners to create generic campaigns for the course. Since we have a global reach, we can help drive potential participants your way by helping them find a course running in their locality and language through a central site of course listings.

Sales or marketing support If you are bidding for private work, and need assistance, you can book a sales/marketing support call with us. We’re aware that solo practitioners sometimes have difficulty with approaching companies and meeting procurement criteria and we would like to help.

One thing to note is that if you’ve renamed Better Conversations and claimed it as your own, that’s your right. But we can’t then provide you this marketing support.

If there’s other support you think might benefit a community of practitioners, please do get in touch with us.

We will update this page with any updates to the support we can provide.

4.1.6. Where can I find out more?#

Our intention is to enable others. You can find detailed documentation, guidance and materials in the Course Documentation section of this site.

Please note that for some of the content you’ll need to sign in with your email address.

Controlled Document Details
  • Reference: what-you-get

  • Last Changed Date: 9th February 2025

  • Git Version: dbd15b6

  • Last Edited By: Simon Coles

  • Note: Document is only valid online at https://betterconversations.foundation.