Setting Expectations#

What we’re trying to do with the Foundation and the course is unusual and will likely be new for most people. To avoid confusion we thought we should be explicit about expectations etc.

If you’ve got experience of other Open Source projects, you’ll recognise a lot of this.

What you can expect from us#

You can expect us to:

  • Make the course plans and supporting material available to you free of charge.

  • To be interested in your experience using this material, and to learn from you.

  • To keep improving based on experience and evidence.

  • To support you as best we can

What we expect from you#

We expect you to:

  • Play nice with everyone, using the Better Conversations skills in your interactions

  • Help us make our community a safe and welcoming place for everyone

  • Be honest and candid with us and others. Say what you mean but please don’t be mean in how you say it.

  • Respect the conditions of the license under which make this available (easy to comply with, as it’s a very liberal license)

  • Be responsible in the way you market and use this material.