Promotional video for our BCF talk at the OU#

As part of the promotion for the event at the Open University next week @russ_lewis and @lizmoody kindly arranged for us to have a view recorded by the OU’s media team. And oh my, what a difference an experienced producer makes! We spoke for ~20 minutes which they then edited down to this 3 minute video.

You might find this 3 minute video an interesting watch in terms of how we explain things and also what the OU editors found relevant to have in the video, of all of the things that we might say about the course and the Foundation.

If you’re in the area, this event looks like it will be awesome and it is very reasonably priced too!

You can see the video on Russ Lewis’s LinkedIn Post.

Updated on 20 April 2014

It was a great event, and we’ve put the Flight Plan we used in the community in the hope that others will find it useful. The presentation we used is here.